looking good! love it! 80 degrees? what are u nuts? san fran only gets that hot three times a year. you could totally wear that sweater all year round ;)
Inky, I swear! I'm not a very good knitter. I could not have done this sweater without the 4 week COURSE i took to help me every friggin step of the way! I even made 2 special "trips" to the knitting store to help undo major screw ups. I swear!! With direction from a pro -- anyone can do this. (and yes, I know it's not 'de rigeur' to comment on your own blog but i don't care!)
I started knitting in February 2005 when my mother decided it was time to for me learn so I would stop nagging her to knit me more scarves. I've become addicted ever since.
That is very cute!! Seed stitch is my favorite!!
And with the luck we've been having in SF weather-wise this spring, you'll probably be able to wear it!
And don't forget that's (brr! cold!) summer is coming...
looking good! love it! 80 degrees? what are u nuts? san fran only gets that hot three times a year. you could totally wear that sweater all year round ;)
you've been knitting since Feb 05 and you are almost finished with an f'ing sweater? i hate you. alot. pttthhhh.
thanks for the comment on my angry hallowig wearing kitty. i love you. alot. smootch.
did i mention i'm bipolar?
I swear! I'm not a very good knitter. I could not have done this sweater without the 4 week COURSE i took to help me every friggin step of the way! I even made 2 special "trips" to the knitting store to help undo major screw ups. I swear!! With direction from a pro -- anyone can do this. (and yes, I know it's not 'de rigeur' to comment on your own blog but i don't care!)
Oh! It's lovely lovely, and the seed stitch border is BEE-yoo-tee-full!!!
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